Won't You Join Us for Character Interviews?

Attention! Notice! May I have, take, garner your focus? The alien, Gideon Cyrus, and myself (the Dragon Galvistor) would love to interview other characters created by scribe's of stories/books/novels. Please contact either of our scribes that they may set up the interview. Wouldn't you like to have your character speak for himself, herself, itself here? Let the world hear their voices and a bit of their story, brought forth by the clever, superior, excellent interview abilities of a quizzical alien and loquacious Dragon.

If you haven't been keeping up with Gideon and moi in our interactions/chats/pithy discussions, then stroll down now and READ! S'for your own good...

Aliens Walk Among Us...

in the form of Gideon Cyrus, a shapeshifter who's chosen a skeptical ufologist named Hannah Morgan to help him save Earth. Barbara Romo has faithfully related their exploits in Undercover Alien, out now from Crescent Moon Press. Read Gideon's take on just about everything at http://www.acuriousalien.blogspot.com

Hatching new stories...

of speculative fiction is Sherri Godsey, the obedient scribe for a gaggle of talkative dragons from her new fantasy duology: The Dragons' Veil and The Dragons' Vision. The first book, The Dragons' Veil, is available for purchase at Readers Eden (just click on the link in the list to the left). The Dragons' Vision is coming soon from Writers Exchange E-Publishing. Galvistor discusses this and more (much more) at http://thewritingdragon.blogspot.com

Monday, January 5, 2009

And now from the...er, Alien

Alwynn's Fire, that's a wordy dragon. Hello, I'm Gideon Cyrus...at least that's the name I'm known by on Earth, where I happily spend most of my time these days. Honestly, you have no idea how strange some of the other planets can be, even for an Olam like me. Rude lizards and cannibalistic spelunkers and...well. Just a while ago I almost had to move somewhere else, and it reinforced my appreciation of the finer things one can acquire in a few hundred years of living incognito on this planet, even if lately I've had to expend considerable effort trying to outwit the arbitrary rules set down by my own species.

I'm not fond of being known as "the Alien" - if you ever meet my friend Brost, you'll see I'm the normal one - but that's the role I've been cast in by one of the owners of this blog, who has JUST NOW informed me I'm expected to make regular appearances. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. After employing her to write the latest book of my memoirs, which she insisted should be called Undercover Alien, I consider her a master of procrastination. I know she's trying to make up for it by letting me dictate my contribution so I don't have to sit still long enough to type it myself, but is it really so important to--

Ah. She's pointing out that I left the small matter of saving the Earth until the last minute. But you see, although I'm an Olam and have powers which can boggle the human brain, I wasn't quite myself at the time. And then there was this fascinating, frustrating, female ufologist who I really thought was going to help me... *Sigh*. Perhaps we'd better drop the subject. Let me focus on this job before I get myself into trouble again.

I suppose I need to meet my fellow blogger, Galvistor, since we're going to be sharing this space. Why is it that everywhere I turn, I keep running into people who think I want to be around reptiles? Is a dragon a reptile? No doubt Galvistor will have a word or two (or three or a hundred) to say on the subject.

I'll let you know.


thewriterslife said...

Love this blog...keep blogging!

Dorothy Thompson
Book Marketing Buzz

Barbara Romo said...

Thanks! And thanks for stopping by! Love your blog as well - you have a phenomenal product.

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This Book Is Available--NOW!

This Book Is Available--NOW!
How can you not want to read about my exploits, deeds, exciting tales? Click on the cover and fly over to buy it!

All the Exciting, Marvelous, Best of All Places to look for The Dragons' Veil

Readers Eden, of course, Mobipocket, and fictionwise ebooks. It is Supposed to be available soon/eventually/ sometime on all the sites associated with lightning source, AND Amazon (Kindle). My fellow Dragons (and aliens and humans) it is worth the search. The effort. The creative clicking of mouse or whatever electronic device you favor. Please search, find, and purchase...a Dragon has to eat, too!

Cover for The Dragons' Vision (part II of The Dragons' Veil duology)

Cover for The Dragons' Vision (part II of The Dragons' Veil duology)
This is due out soon.

A Dragon Writes

A Dragon Writes
With Burning Concentration...click the writing dragon to go to thewritingdragon blog

Where our first interview took place

Where our first interview took place
Now really, does this look uncomfortable to you?

The coastal headland where we interviewed Cameron MacLeod

The coastal headland where we interviewed Cameron MacLeod
A wee bit windy, aye, but the Scotsman likened it to his home ground. I think his whatnots got plenty of airing, in spite of the restriction of pants. In any case, even such an old Dragon as I found it beautiful out there.